This program is a java interface to the data at
dxSpot is Copyright 2000 Bryan Nehl -- k0emt.

Here is a snapshot of the 6M & 2M DX and QSO dxSpot windows on my Linux Machine. 200K
Here is screen capture of all windows open with CommandFrame. 481K
- Minimizes bandwidth use, only reads up to point it last read.
- Starts the window with the "look back" log.
- Each frame is set to refresh at 5 minutes.
- Frame updates upon QSO or spot submission.
- The user may also manually force an update.
- Can display HF/6 & 2M QSO & DX frames without requiring a bunch of screen real-estate.
- Users grid & callsign are automagically appended to
IF they are set other than MyCall and MyGrid. - User configuration
- QRZ feature -- CommandFrame version only
Method One - jar expansion
First get the dxSpot.jar.Copy it into a directory on your computer called dxSpot.
Expand the jar file with:
jar xf dxSpot.jar
Capitalization is important. The S is a capital.
run the program:
java com.dbbear.dxspot.dxSpot
or for a more powerful command line style interface:
java com.dbbear.dxspot.CommandFrame
Make sure classpath directories, etc are set correctly.
You may need to invoke java or jre with the -cp (class path) option.
For instance, if you are in the directory where you unjarred the dxSpot classes:
prompt$> java -cp . com.dbbear.dxspot.dxSpot
Method Two - no jar expansion
Run the default dxSpot with the following:java -jar dxSpot.jar
Method Two - no jar expansion with config
Note that this approach switches to -cp and full class name to run
java -cp dxSpot.jar com.dbbear.dxspot.CommandFrame
Configuration File
You can specify a configuration file like this sample.config by passing the name of the file in on the command line.for example:
java com.dbbear.dxspot.CommandFrame sample.config
Make sure to use <ENTER> key when entering Callsign & Grid in dxSpot.A "successfully changed" message will display when you change either your Callsign or grid.
Source Code
Source code is available on GitHub.Requires Java 7