OzarkCon Event
Specifics for OzarkCon POTA Kick Start.
This event is for the QRP amateur radio operator that would like to get started with the Parks On The Air program.
Bryan, K0EMT, is your event facilitator.
Assisting will be: Mike (AD0YM), Andrew (KD0ORT), and Casey (KF0MDP)
Before you come to OzarkCon:
- Review the Prep Materials
- then DO the prep
- Post an activation alert for Park US-1787, hours, your call
- Review the QRV operating guide
- Review the Post event materials
- Review the Field Gear section, then gather up equipment to bring
This is a two part day:
- The park activation during the day.
- POTA info for Table Rock State Park, US-1787
- Directions and map to the shelter
- After breakfast until approximately 1:00 PM local time
- To permit time in getting to OzarkCon U
- You do not need to be present the whole time
- Processing the logs in the evening.
- After the banquet, in the hall
Self-organize and make your way to the park.
Directions and map to the shelter
In the evening after the banquet we will gather at in the banquet hall to work on the logs.
Even if you complete your log on your own, please join us. I’ll be aggregating our totals for a report on Saturday.
This is a NO ALCOHOL event.
- If there is ice on the ground, we will not activate
- If there is lightning, we will cease operation.
- If the wind chill is below 32F we will not operate
- If the heat index is over 90F we will not operate
If we are not able to be outdoors, we will do an alternate activity at the hotel.
Make sure you bring proper hydration and snacks for your outdoor time.
Temperatures this time of year can vary between 29F and 67F. Layering your clothing is a good idea. Know your limits, don’t push it. If you need help, ask for it. Keep an eye out for fellow activators.
POTA info
When operating, you will use your callsign. You need a minimum of 10 contacts to have a “succesful” activation. No matter, how many contacts you make, you need to submit a log.
Have your park name, park number, grid square, county, and state handy when you’re operating.
Table Rock State Park, US-1787,
Taney County, Missouri, Grid Square EM36.
NOTE: if you venture out further around the park, you may end up in Stone county.
We will be able to have multiple stations operating at the same time.
Stations will:
- Have an HF transceiver (or bring yours)
- Be on different bands
- Operated at QRP power levels
- 5 Watts for CW
- 10 Watts with phone
- Have an antenna and coax (BNC male terminated)
- a bandpass filter
- Have a logbook with pencil
There will also be a 2M FM station set up for simplex operation.
Field Gear
Essential Gear to bring:
- Headphones or earbuds
- paddle or key with 1/8" TRS plug
Optional Gear:
- Your transceiver that has a female BNC antenna connector (or adapter)
- A memory keyer (Program with long CQ, short CQ, 72 your callsign, park #)
- Battery with Anderson Power Pole connectors
- digital audio recorder with 1/8" TRS plug for transceiver side
- A logbook, paper or journal and a pen or pencil
- UTC time piece
Optional for Comfort:
- Seat pad or outdoor folding chair
- lap blanket
Log processing
Friday evening gathering will be in the banquet hall, after dinner.
- We’ll get your logbook translated into FLE
- Generate ADIF files
- Create Maps
- Submit log to Parks On The Air program
- Set up LOTW location
- Submit log to LOTW
- Check out account on the POTA site
- Do a happy dance
With POTA, NO ONE gets credit until you turn in the log!