This program is a java interface to the data at
dxSpot is Copyright 2000 Bryan Nehl -- k0emt.
Here is a snapshot of the 6M & 2M
DX and QSO dxSpot windows on my Linux Machine. 200K
Here is screen capture of all
windows open with CommandFrame. 481K
- Minimizes bandwidth use, only reads up to point it last read.
- Starts the window with the "look back" log.
- Each frame is set to refresh at 5 minutes.
- Frame updates upon QSO or spot submission.
- The user may also manually force an update.
- Can display HF/6 & 2M QSO & DX frames without
requiring a bunch of screen real-estate.
- Users grid & callsign are automagically appended to
IF they are set other than MyCall and
- User configuration
- QRZ feature -- CommandFrame version only
Method One - jar expansion
First get the
Copy it into a directory on your computer called dxSpot.
Expand the jar file with:
jar xf dxSpot.jar
Capitalization is important. The S is a capital.
run the program:
java com.dbbear.dxspot.dxSpot
or for a more powerful command line style interface:
java com.dbbear.dxspot.CommandFrame
Make sure classpath directories, etc are set correctly.
You may need to invoke java or jre with the -cp (class path)
For instance, if you are in the directory where you unjarred
the dxSpot classes:
prompt$> java -cp . com.dbbear.dxspot.dxSpot
Method Two - no jar expansion
Run the default dxSpot with the following:
java -jar dxSpot.jar
Method Two - no jar expansion with config
Note that this approach switches to -cp and full class name to
java -cp dxSpot.jar com.dbbear.dxspot.CommandFrame
Configuration File
You can specify a configuration file like this
by passing the name of the file in on the command line.
for example:
java com.dbbear.dxspot.CommandFrame sample.config
Make sure to use <ENTER> key when entering Callsign & Grid in
A "successfully changed" message will display when
you change either your Callsign or grid.
Source Code
Source code is
available on GitHub.
Requires Java 7
QRZ Interface Library
User Software Responsibilities
This library
gives the Visual Basic or Access 97/VBA programmer a class so that they
may easily retrieve information from the QRZ CD.
The class and accompanying files are being distributed
under the terms of the GNU LGPL with the stipulation that this author
(K0EMT) is to receive a free copy of any commercial software that utilizes this library.
QRZInfo Class Properties:
- DBPath AS String - name of the directory where callbkc.dat is located
- CallSign As String - call sign in "normal" format
- qrzCallSign As String - call sign in QRZ format
- qrzDEFCAB As String - call sign in QRZ "defcab" format
- hasEMail As Boolean - has an email address on the cd - originally JR field
- hasGif As Boolean - has a gif on cd - originally MI field
- LastName
- FirstName
- ProperName (First Name + Last Name)
- Street
- City
- State
- Zip
- The library only supports look up by callsign.
- The class only returns if the email address and/or picture are stored.
(Not the actual email address or picture.)
To get the email address you will have to use the QRZ DLL.
The developer must remember to set the .DBPath of the class
to the location of the QRZ callbkc.dat directory.
As of May 2001, no further development on this interface is planned.
If you would like to add the following features:
- Searching by other indices
- Return the location of the associated picture
- Return the email address
- Additional error handling/checking
I would be happy to integrate them into the library and give you credit.
73 -- k0emt